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La Quadrature du Net started the GAFAM poster campaign around November 2017 in order to support their call for donations. After getting hooked at the 34C3 congress, we picked this up in January 2018 to support the lovely people of LQDN in covering the whole world.

The original French poster texts and its translations into English have been uploaded to the gafam-poster-translations repository on GitHub using the GNU gettext format. Starting from February 2018, translations can also be edited online using GAFAM on Weblate.

On the 17th of April 2018, La Quadrature du Net started a group action against GAFAM on

Until May 2018, we have been able to collect translations into 16 languages. Enjoy!

We are still looking forward to add more translations into different languages to the resource library.

We encourage you to contribute a translation if you feel it is missing from the list. Thanks so much to all people who did already!

How to reproduce?

Read all about how to print the posters locally.

  1. Get access to a laser printer

    Please don't use Inkjets as they will draw too much ink for filling the black areas. Really, don't do it.

  2. Get some colored paper

    which fits your printer. You will need red, white, blue, yellow and green.

  3. Choose one of the design resources

    Visit the resource library to download a suitable file which fulfills your needs regarding format and language.

  4. Follow these steps to prepare for and perform printing

    Make multiple staples of N sheets each for each color. Then, put them together in the sequence of red, white, blue, yellow and green.
    This looks good.
    Now, put this whole staple into your printer in a way that the red sheets will be picked up first.
    Send print jobs of N duplicates for each page of the multipage poster document PDF file.

  5. Go ahead, disseminate the printouts in your local neighbourhood and send pictures. Cheers!

    Night, cold, rain - nothing stops those who support La Quadrature.

The GAFAM poster campaign library

The resources and materials collected so far.

These are the official PDF files published by LQDN:

These are the reprinted PDF files with translations from the community:

How to block internet access to the GAFAMs

There are different ways to block internet access to the GAFAMs, local solutions or DNS-based solutions.

Recommended block lists:

Pi-hole®, Network-wide Ad Blocking

We recommend to use Pi-hole as a network-wide DNS blocking solution, but there are many other options like AdGuard Home, and Unbound. To install Pi-hole, you can check out their documentation.


Adding a translation is really easy, it's just about downloading a template file, editing a few lines and sending it back to us:

  1. Download the translation template file gafam-poster.pot to your computer.
  2. Rename the file using the language code of choice, e.g. "pt.po" for translating into the Portuguese language.

    You might want to have a look at the list of ISO 639-1 codes and the ISO 639 macrolanguage as a reference.

  3. Edit the ".po" file you just created and perform the translation by assigning appropriate values to all "msgstr" variables. You might want to use either the French original or the English or German translations as reference.

    Please use the UTF-8 character encoding when editing the translation file.

  4. Send the file containing the translated texts to

    If you know your way around Git, we also appreciate receiving pull requests to the translation file repository on GitHub, gafam-poster-translations.
  5. Thank you so much for helping to spread the word. As soon as we have stickers, we will definitively get a bunch of them to you!